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Pastor Bennie L. McNulty

Elder Bennie L. McNulty is a native of Slidell, LA.  He is a retired Veteran of the United States Air Force.   He is married to his beautiful and lovely wife Elder Deidra McNulty whom he married in September 1995.   He was installed as Senior Pastor of Faith Walk Christian Ministry in Slidell, Louisiana on March 15, 2020.  He served faithfully for three and a half years at Greater NorthShore Full Gospel Baptist Church under the Leadership of Pastor Robert J. Taylor. He then relocated to Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church of New Orleans, Louisiana under the Leadership of Bishop Paul S. Morton, and Co-Pastor Debra B. Morton where he served for seventeen and a half years.  Elder McNulty was ordained as an Elder in December 2013.   In July 2015, he was a part of the first Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International graduating class of the College Of Ordained Elders. 

While at Greater St Stephen he served in several ministries, which included New Member Ministry, Marriage & Family Ministry, Men of Vision, Helps Ministry, Evangelism Ministry, Discipleship Training Union, and Lead Empowerment.  He also was an Instructor in the School of Ministry and a Co-Director for the First Year Preparatory Program. He along with his wife served as Directors of Ministries for 5 and a half years, and as Directors of Special Guest Services until December 2017.  


On March 15th, 2020 he and his wife were appointed to the Office of Pastoral ship as the newly appointed Pastor & Co-Pastor of Faith Walk Christian Ministry in Slidell, LA. under the Full Gospel Fellowship International and the Louisiana Southern Berith District where he and his wife serve as District Administrators. 

Elder McNulty believes that the Lord is raising up Pastors who will return to preaching and teaching the WORD OF GOD, without fear of being labeled, or mocked. He believes it is time for the real men and women of God to take a stand and lead those who are lost to Christ, by the leading & guidance of the Holy Spirit. He believes we should all be like Jesus. "For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save those which was lost." Luke 19:10.


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